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Debtwire for Legal

Position your firm to clients as a superior source of insight and value

Set out your credentials as an expert in Leveraged Capital Markets by being rigorously up-to-speed on industry developments and sharing heard-it-here-first insight on future possibilities – all powered by Debtwire intelligence. Enhance your contribution to individual deals with our detailed search, profiling and benchmarking capability.

Issuer Profile

Access comprehensive intelligence on specific issuers, from their financials and capital structure to key events, investors and more. Includes interactive debt pricing charts.

Intelligent Search

AI-powered search across issuers, regions, sectors, pricing, leverage stats, and within documents for rapid research.

Performing Credit Analytics

Keep up-to-date and fully informed of market-moving credit events and insight, thanks to our specialist, worldwide investigative journalists.

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Accelerate your strategy and source new opportunities with Debtwire’s predictive, end-to-end platform for Leveraged Capital Markets.

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